Once again ESWAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING proved that, the college is always ahead to conduct more innovative programmes.
Dr. Ravindra garu, Registrar, JNTUK - Kakinada visited as Chief Guest for this auspicious occasion. In his addressing, said "Programmes like this will always encourage the students and it makes them to develop their communication skills as well as presentation skills." Also he congratulated our college management and Principal for conducting such type of programmes and giving the students a platform to prove themselves.
Dr. Ravindra garu, has released the ESWAR QUEST 2010 Souvenir & CD and presented to our Principal Dr.V.Murthy Rao Khokalay garu, Chairman Sk.Meeravali garu, Secretary & Correspondent Sk.Kareem garu and Director Sk.Sharif garu
Cash Prize Winners of ESWAR QUEST 2010:
ECE Branch
1) V. Manoja (P.V.P. Siddartha Engg. College, Vijayawada)
2) K.V. Sri Harsha & K. Naveen Kumar Reddy (Sri Vidya Niketan Engg. College, Tirupathi)
EEE Branch
1) M. Akbar & M. Abdul (Nimra Engineering College, Vijayawada)
2) C.V.R. Ranganath & N. Nagendra (Sri Saradhi Institute of Engg., Vizag)
CSE & IT Branch
1) P. Venkateswara Rao & T. Srinivasa Rao (Loyola Institute of Technology, Sattenapalli)
2) K. Sindhu & Swaroop (Potti Sriramulu College of Engineering, Vijayawada).
Congratulations to all the prize winners........
Once again sincere thanks to Students and Staff for their extraordinary effort to make this function a grand success.
Eswar College of Engineering