HAPPY WOMENS DAYOur college celebrated International Women's Day on Monday, March 8th 2010.
Famous speaker, advocate Smt. Naseema Rajasekhar garu attended as a chief guest to this auspicious occasion. While addressing she said " The new millennium has witnessed a significant change and attitudinal shift in both women's and society's thoughts about women's equality and emancipation." She also added that the unfortunate fact is that women are still not paid equally to that of their male counterparts, women still are not present in equal numbers in business or politics, and globally women's education, health and the violence against them is worse than that of men.

Our beloved principal Dr.Murthy Rao Khokalay garu said " Great improvements have been made towards women. We do have female astronauts and prime ministers, school girls are welcomed into university, women can work and have a family, women have real choices. And so the tone and nature of IWD(International Womens Day) has, for the past few years, moved from being a reminder about the negatives to a celebration of the positives."
Our College Secretary & Correspondent Sri Sk.Kareem garu said that " With growing literacy and financial independence women feel more empowered today to assert their right to a life of dignity and self worth. The International Women's Day celebrated on 8th March is a universal day for all women around the world. It endows them with a sense of honour, dignity and self respect for being the person that they are. "
All the students, teaching & non-teaching staff attended the function.
Eswar College of Engineering