In the beside picture, you can view Sri Ramanujan's home on Sarangapani Street, Kumbakonam, Tamilnadu.
The Program started with a welcome speech by Sri. Yamuna garu, Faculty, Dept. of Maths inviting the respected dignitaries onto the dias and then continued with lightening of the lamp by our chief guest Dr.B.Satyanarayana garu and next with a prayer song by our first year female students and then it followed by the valuable speeches.
Our beloved Principal, Dr.V.Murthy Rao Khokalay explained about the organisation of the 'Mathematics day' and said that Mathematics is the basic subject for engineering especially for computer science students. He said, Eswar College of Engineering is always ahead to organise such important days and invite eminent personalities to inculcate the thought provocation and inspiration for the benefit of the students.
The life sketch of Srinivasa Ramanujan was explained/elaborated by Sri Phani Kumar, Faculty, Maths Dept. and the brief details of the chief guest was explained by Sri G.Maruthi Prasad, Faculty, Dept. of Maths.
Dr.B.Satyanarayana, Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur has attended the function as a chief guest. He said in his addressing the gathering at seminar hall that "Meditation will improve the concentration on studies and exploration of energy will make a turning point of every student." Every student must carryout meditation for a period equal to their age, he advised the students duly giving the examples of Srinivasa Ramanujan.
Felicitation to Dr.B.Satyanarayana garu by garland, shawl and a memento also presented by our Director Sri Sharif garu.
The Vote of thanks delivered by Sri G. Karunakar garu, Faculty, Dept. of Maths and finally the program ended with national anthem.
Comments are invited........
Eswar College of Engineering
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